
Transfer mice into or out of an isolator without a transfer sleeve!



Transfer mice into or out of an isolator without a transfer sleeve!

(available in two sizes to meet your specific research needs.)


Transfer mice into or out of an isolator without a transfer sleeve!

Offering convenience, speed and flexibility, the TransDisk can be used to move animals from one location to another without transfer sleeves.

The TransDisk™ is available in two sizes to meet your specific research needs:

  • 8 1/2" Diameter: Item #3951200
  • 11" Diameter: Item #3951300

The TransDisk saves time when researchers have to move germ-free or gnotobiotic rodents from one environmentally controlled isolator to another.

[ Click Here to download the TransDisk Autoclave Temperature and Time Pressure Chart ]

Download Printable Flyer

Download a printable flyer about the CBC TransDisk Gnotobiotic Mice Transfer System.

Download Printable PDF

Accessories and Components:

CBC Autoclave Standard Sterilizing Cylinders for sterilizing water, bedding, cages, etc... for gnotobiotic animal research.
CBC Standard Sterilizing Cylinders

The CBC Stainless Steel Standard Sterilizing Cylinder provides both capacity and performance. for sterilizing water, bedding, cages, etc... for gnotobiotic animal research.  Read more

12" dia. x 24" long. 18" dia. x 30" long. Custom sizes available on request.
5 inch Diameter Isolator Filters for CBC Quad and Quarantine Isolators.
5" Diameter Isolator Filters

Standard on most CBC Isolator systems.  Read more

With lower inlet port and and upper outlet port. Custom sizes available on request.
Vinyl Tape.
Transfer Sleeves

7" - 8' long. Custom sizes. Reducing sleeves.  Read more

Used for Isolator to Isolator attachments and Sterilizing Cylinder to Isolator Connections..
Germ-free Shipper Sleeve.
Germ-free Shipper Sleeve

These Germfree Shipper Sleeves are designed to safeguard your animal's health status during shipping.  Read more

Outer Shipping Carton is IATA Approved. EU version is available.
Using CBC's Unique Lap Seam Seal Process!

CBC will make you a durable 20 mil vinyl or polyurethane replacement canopy to fit your existing germ-free isolator frame, filter system and port size.

Learn more
Original lap-seam seal flexible film, germfree isolator.
Manufacturing high quality, flexible film isolators for universities, researchers and germ-free animal producers since 1978.
Above: CBC TransDisk demonstration video.

The inside of a TransDisk Gnotobiotic Mice Transfer System.

Pictured above is the inside of a TransDisk Gnotobiotic Mice Transfer System. .

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810 Stewart Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53713

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Flexible Film Isolators, Softwall Cleanrooms, Containment Units and Accessories for Controlled Research Environments.