Germ-Free Isolators and Components for Animal Research Including Gnotobiotic, Microbiome and Microbial Studies!
Flexible Film (Softwall) Isolators & Accessories
Positive Pressure ● Negative Pressure
For gnotobiotic, microbiome, microbial, altered Schaedler flora and other research that requires a controlled environment. The CBC difference includes our original lap-seam sealing process and the use of 20 mil. polyurethane material that is almost indestructible and helps ensure against contamination due to accidental puncture or tear.
Learn moreA Variety of Isolator Packages and Sizes
Class Biologically Clean has designed a variety of softwall (flexible film) isolator Starter Labs with all the hardware and accessories needed for researchers to install a fully functional germ free lab that offers complete environmental control for gnotobiotic, microbiome and other research. All packages can be customized to meet a customer's specific research needs.
Learn moreEnsures Compatibility ● Quicker Installation
Single-tier (softwall) germ-free isolator system helps ensure compatibility, quality control, quicker installation, better traceability & easier reorders. Saving you time and money compared to jury-rigging a system yourself using parts from different manufacturers and suppliers.
Learn moreQuality Control ● Better Traceability
Double-tier (softwall) germ-free isolator system saves valuable lab space and helps ensure compatibility, quality control, quicker installation, better traceability & easier reorders. Saving you time and money compared to jury-rigging a system yourself using parts from different manufacturers and suppliers.
Learn moreWith or Without Internal Lighting System
These systems are made with durable polypropylene and an expandable urethane glove panel. Each system comes with a blower system that can be converted from positive to negative pressure.
Learn moreBreeder Isolator
(Without Polypropylene Holding Box)32-Cage ● 50-Cage
Breed your own colony of germ-free rodents with CBC's 32- or 50-cage germ-free, flexible film, breeder isolator without polypropylene holding box. Can be either positive pressure or negative pressure.
Learn moreBreeder Isolator
(With Polypropylene Holding Box)32-Cage ● 50-Cage
Breed your own colony of germ-free rodents with CBC's 32- or 50-cage germ-free, flexible film, breeder isolator with polypropylene holding box.
Learn morePositive Pressure ● Negative Pressure
Four (4) independent isolators in one footprint allows you to conduct four different experiments at one time. This system is also available as a single-tier (two isolators) and as a negative pressure system.
Learn morePositive Pressure ● Negative Pressure
Two (2) 5' wide isolators (Double-tier) on CBC's (optional) adjustable height frame system. This system is also available as a single-tier (one isolator) and as a negative pressure system.
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• 3' x 2' x 2' Flexible Film Isolator
• 30" x 2' x 2' Flexible Film Isolator
CBC's "Space Saver" flexible film isolators are ideal for labs with limited space, for transporting animals within a lab, for sterilization testing, or as a quarantine isolator so researchers can avoid putting the health and well-being of their research animals in jeopardy when adding new animals to the colony.
Learn morePositive Pressure ● Negative Pressure
Designed to offer researchers complete environmental control. Suitable for up to 4 piglets. Other sizes for poultry and calves.
Learn moreSurgical ● VHP ● "Gas Tight" Zipper
CBC's unique production capabilities allow us to design and build specialized isolators systems that can meet your specific requirements and needs. At CBC we listen to you and will design and construct an isolator system that will be functional and last for years.
Learn moreOuter shipping carton is IATA approved.
These Germfree Shipper Sleeves are designed to safeguard your animal's health status during shipping. The shipper is a large, sterilized, flexible vinyl sleeve with filtered openings and an accompanying corrugated cardboard shipping case. EU version is available.
Learn moreDecontaminate equipment used for gnotobiotic research. For small items such as scales and microscopes.
Learn moreTo Maintain a Controlled Environment
CBC has designed and developed a variety of accessories and components to help maintain your isolator and maintain a uniform, controlled environment. Sterilizing cylinders, sterilizing feed cylinders, filters, filter media, transfer ports, racks, clamps and more.
Learn moreUsing CBC's Unique Lap Seam Seal Process!
CBC will make you a durable 20 mil vinyl or polyurethane replacement canopy to fit your existing germ-free isolator frame, filter system and port size.
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Protecting Both Research and Researchers
Animal Research Gnotobiotic Isolators | Bio/Pharmaceutical Barrier & Containment Isolators
810 Stewart Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53713
© 2011-2022 Class Biologically Clean, Ltd. - Madison, Wisconsin - All rights reserved
® CBC is a Registered Trademark of Class Biologically Clean, Ltd.