Gnotobiotic Pig Tub Isolator Systems
New larger design offers more space for piglets and allows piglets to grow bigger for long-term research. Other sizes for poultry and calves.
Positive Pressure or Negative Pressure
Flexible Film Pig Tub Isolators
Positive Pressure ● Negative Pressure
NEW LARGER SIZE: 48" x 32" - Suitable for up to 4 piglets.
Designed to offer researchers complete environmental control.
Positive Pressure Pig Tub Isolator:
Product protection is provided using positive pressure isolators. Positive pressure isolators create pressurized chambers in which the air pressure inside the chamber is greater than the ambient room pressure. In the event of a breach, the air inside the isolator will be pushed out keeping contaminants out of the isolator, hence protecting the product inside the unit.
Negative Pressure Pig Tub Isolator:
Personnel protection and product containment is provided using negative pressure isolators. With negative pressure isolators the air is pulled out of the isolator, which creates a lower pressure inside the chamber than the ambient room pressure. An external frame is needed to prevent the chamber from collapsing. In the event of a breach, the surrounding room air is pulled into the isolator preventing any product inside the isolator from leaving the isolator (often called a containment isolator).
Pig Tub Isolator Features:
- Durable 20 mil vinyl isolator
- Stainless steel construction
- Stainless steel feeder trays with tubes so piglets can be fed without reaching into stall
- Stainless steel removable floor grates
- Stainless steel divider panels (allow one large stall or up to four individual stalls)
- Stainless steel top grate (sits on top of feeder trays and divider panels)
- Stainless steel work pan
- Stainless steel tubular support frame and fittings (for negative pressure model)
- Two-way locking wheels
- 5" diameter inlet and outlet filters (Includes: stands, media and filter cover)
- (2) pairs of Mega CBC glove extensions for maximum reach, better worker dexterity and less stress on isolator.
- (2) pairs of 15 mil Hypalon/CSM dry box gloves with glove ring kit for attaching gloves to isolator (other types available)
- 12" acrylic transfer port
- Port to isolator neoprene band and clamp for sealing isolator to transfer port
- (2) 1" neoprene stoppers (other types available)
- (1) outside transfer port cap with nipples
- (1) inside transfer port cap
- (1) patent clamp
- Blower and manifold system. (two blowers for negative pressure model)
- Exhaust airflow valve (with negative pressure model)
- Inlet airflow valve
- Magnehelic gauge (with negative pressure model)
- Acrylic brace for exhaust filter (with negative pressure model)
- Drain valve at bottom for tub wash down
New blower motor attachment design reduces isolator vibrations by over 50% and enhances animal health.
Mega CBC glove extensions for maximum reach, better worker dexterity and less stress on isolator.

Mega CBC glove extensions for maximum reach, better worker dexterity and less stress on isolator. - Read more

New blower motor attachment design reduces vibrations and enhances animal health. - Read more
Download Printable Flyer
Download a printable flyer about the CBC flexible film, Pig Tub isolator system.
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The CBC Difference
The CBC difference includes our original lap-seam sealing process and the use of 20 mil. polyurethane material that is almost indestructible and helps ensure against contamination due to accidental puncture or tear.
CBC uses a highly durable "lap seam" seal for the majority of our seams, and an even superior "cut/weld/strip seam" seal for high risk areas. Because your reputation, research or production should not risk being compromised! (See, "Pull Test" and "Puncture Demonstration" videos below.)
The CBC Lap-Seal Seam "Pull" Test
Single Seam Seal vs. CBC Lap Seal Seam Read more
Because your reputation, research or production should not risk being compromised!
20 mil. Polyurethane Puncture Demonstration
CBC's 20 mil. polyurethane material is almost indestructible and helps ensure against contamination due to accidental puncture or tear. Read more
Because your reputation, research or production should not risk being compromised!
Accessories and Components:

Internal 9-Cage Isolator Rack
9-cage is standard. 5-cage racks for CBC's Quad isolator system. Custom sizes are available. Read more
CBC's internal isolator cage racks are easier and faster to assemble!

CBC Patent Clamp
CBC's Patent Clamp for quickly, and securely attaches transfer port caps. Read more
Patent Clamp with neoprene-gooved band reduces need for vinyl tape

Protecting Both Research and Researchers
Animal Research Gnotobiotic Isolators | Bio/Pharmaceutical Barrier & Containment Isolators
810 Stewart Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53713
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® CBC is a Registered Trademark of Class Biologically Clean, Ltd.